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A Typical Week at Bader Academy

Bader operates the following times for all pupils in school;

Monday to Thursday: 09:00-15:00

Friday: 09:00-13:00


Pupils arrive at school for 9:00am. Staff are outside the school entrance on a morning to welcome all pupils into school. Pupils arrive via local authority transport; family drop off or by public transport / foot.

Registers are taken every morning and pupils choose their meal options for the day. Following registration, pupils have some time with their tutor group to prepare for the day ahead, to allow staff to support pupils to be ready for learning. Lessons each day start at 9:30am.

Each week all pupils have access to a broad and balanced range of lessons and activities, with Maths and English sessions every day. All pupils spend time with specialist teachers throughout the course of the week for subjects such as Physical Education or Computing. Each individual Class Base has their own timetable which incorporates the following subjects: Maths, English, Science, PSHE / RSHE, Computing, Geography, History, Food Technology, Design Technology, Modern Foreign Language (Spanish), Music and Art.

We encourage access to a range of enrichment activities too. Across school, pupils are regularly attending different curriculum enrichment activities and these include activities such as swimming, outdoor learning, horse riding and visiting the Austerfield Study centre.

Lower School includes pupils in Year 1 – Year 7 inclusively and pupils remain in pastoral groups for all of their learning. Pupils enter Upper School in Year 8 and follow a subject specific timetable, whereby they move around for their learning and access subject specialist teaching within specifically designed rooms to ensure access to a range of equipment and resources to enable a range of subject teaching.

Below is an example of a typical day at Bader Academy Monday to Thursday:


9 – 9:30

Tutor Time

9:30 – 10:15

Period 1

10:15 – 11

Period 2

11 – 11:15


11:15 – 12

Period 3

12 – 1


1 – 1:15



Period 4

2:00– 2:45

Period 5



Below is an example of a typical day at Bader Academy on Friday:


9 – 9:30

Tutor Time

9:30 – 10:15

Period 1

10:15 – 11

Period 2

11 – 11:15


11:15 – 12

Period 3

12 – 12:30


12:30 – 1




All pupils eat their lunch with the atrium area of school, supported by the staff team. We have a staggered lunch time to ensure waiting time is limited which promotes social communication opportunities for pupils. Pupils then have access to a variety of different lunch clubs, Monday – Thursday, with at least two options available each day, these include clubs such as Musical Theatre, Football, Badminton, Girls Group, Book Club, Arts and Crafts to name a few, depending on the day. If pupils do not want to access a club on any day they are supported to enjoy their free time outside, again, supported by the staff team.

Every Friday, we have a whole school assembly where we celebrate pupils’ achievements across the school. Pupils are enabled to reflect on their week and receive praise and certificates for their successes. Collectively we watch a video presentation of activities across the week which have made us feel ‘Proud’. This is a fantastic way to finish the school week, with pupils leaving for the weekend after assembly.