Family Letter - w/e 24 February 2023

Family letter from Viki Drew, Headteacher for week ending 24th February 2023.
Dear Families,
We have had a wonderful first week back at school and it has certainly been a busy one! It has been a full week with lots happening in four days and our young people have managed this absolutely brilliantly.
This half term our big question is ‘What’s the Matter?’ pupils have been exploring what this question could mean to them and the possible learning opportunities this provides. Class Base 5 – 11 and The Hub have already had their visit to Magna to kick start their learning and Class Base 1 – 4 will visit Eureka next week (2nd March). I know there was a great time had by all at Magna and I am sure we have lots of excited young people for Eureka too!
Our Change Maker principle that we are focusing on this half term is ‘share’. Pupils will be working to demonstrate this skill, recognise the skill in others and understand what this means to them. I am sure you will join us in supporting young people to demonstrate this skill at home too. You will receive a curriculum overview by the end of next week which will continue further curriculum details of what young people are learning this half term.
This half term there will be parent consultations, please see below for details of the dates and times for your diary.
We just wanted to say a really big thank you for your support on Wednesday 1st February during the NEU strike action. We know that home learning can be a little disruptive for young people but we were amazed by how much work pupils completed at home. We are very proud so a big well done!
Sustainability Event
Thank you so much to families who joined us on Friday to celebrate pupils learning from last half term. Due to unforeseen circumstances it was necessary to postpone the even which should have been held before half term. I am sure you will agree the wait was most certainly worth it! Pupils work displayed was absolutely amazing and to see how proud they were of learning across all areas of the curriculum was wonderful to see.
NEU Strike Action – Tuesday 28th February
Thank you to families who have communicated their intentions for Tuesday 28th February. A letter was posted on Class Dojo on Thursday 23rd February. Rather than choosing specific classes to close on Tuesday, we are asking for support from our families with this, as we did before. If you are able and willing to keep your child at home and access home learning provided by school then this would be very supportive. If your child is in receipt of free school meals (not universal free school meals) then a packed lunch can be provided by school and sent home with your child on Monday 27th February, to be refrigerated overnight at home, and eaten on Tuesday 28th February, at home.
Thank you to families in advance for your support. Now that a formal decision has been made could we please ask that you complete the short Microsoft Form detailed on the letter posted on ClassDojo or contact the school office to inform them of your decision in relation to your young person.
Edenthorpe Junior Football Club – Collaborative Working
We are really pleased to tell you that we have, this week started working with Edenthope Juniors Football Club to access a lunchtime club which is run by an FA qualified coach on the school premises during recreational time. We will be joined from next week by pupils from a different school too – Northridge Community School. This club will run weekly and is a wonderful opportunity for young people. We have started this session with a group of pupils across Year 7 – Year 9 and we hope that the success of the club will mean we can expand to include pupils from other school years too.
We are delighted to have qualified coaches in supporting the delivery of physical activity which we believe to be fundamental in our young people’s emotional and physical well-being. We will keep you updated on the success of the club.
World Book Day 2023
On Friday 3rd March 2023 we will be celebrating world book day… we know it is a day late but we have many young people offsite! Pupils are invited to attend school dressed as their favourite book character, in pyjamas or non-uniform – whichever option is most comfortable to them. Of course, we understand that some young people would prefer to stick to routine too and come as they usually do, in school uniform which is fine too.
Pupils will have access to a variety of activities during the morning and there will be the opportunity for some of our older pupils to buddy up with a younger pupil to access specific time for reading. We are really excited to sat that as part of our What’s the Matter? Event at the end of this half term, we will be having a book fayre as part of the event as we know reading for pleasure is very important in making sure we take care of our own emotional health and wellbeing. Please do take the time this week to share any pictures of your young person reading at home too, we would love to see these.
Magna Trip
Pupils who attended Magna this week as part of their hook for learning had a great time, we have added some pictures for you to see, they enjoyed the hands-on learning opportunities and were an absolute credit to Bader!
Dates for your diaries
Please see below activities which are already planned for the coming half term and into the Summer Term. There will be more dates added as we move through the half term and approach Easter.
We will provide more information closer to the time where needed.
Tuesday 28th February – NEU Strike Action
Thursday 2nd March – Class Base 1 – 4 visit to Eureka
Friday 3rd March – World Book Day (Dress as your favourite book character, wear your PJs / Non-Uniform Day)
Friday 10th March – Subline Science in to work with Lower School
Week Commencing Monday 13th March – Science Week!
Wednesday 15th March – Parent Consultations 3pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday 22nd March – Parent Consultations 3pm – 5:30pm
Week Commencing Monday 27th March – Easter Week, learning of the significance of Easter in Christianity
Wednesday 29th Match – What’s the Matter? Event, further information to follow of activities includes book fayre and food tasting event held by Relish along with much more!
Friday 31st March – School closed to pupils for INSET day.
Monday 17th April – School reopens for the Summer Term following the Easter break.
Wednesday 19th April – Provider Event at Bader (Year 7 – Year 11) 1:00pm more information to follow but this provides information of post 16 provisions, apprenticeships and there will also be a discussion for Year 10 and 11 next year as to subject options.
Monday 24th April – Wednesday 26th April – Residential
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss further.
Kind Regards,
Viki Drew