Family Letter - w/e 13 January 2023

Family letter from Viki Drew, Headteacher for week ending 13th January 2023
Dear Families,
Well we have certainly had a busy first full week back for 2023! It has been lovely to welcome pupils back following their Christmas break which seems a distant memory now…
Since returning from the Christmas break we have launched our big question ‘Does Everyone Leave a Footprint?’
A curriculum overview will be sent to families via Dojo to share further information of what pupils are learning in each subject area. We have a focus on the change maker principle adaptable. Pupils began this topic with a specific session which focused on the meaning of being adaptable!
It has been wonderful to see young people taking reading books home too. We would love to hear your comments and share pictures of you reading with your young person. We would like to invite families in to come and ask any questions and share their experiences at a reading and phonics workshop on Thursday 2nd February 1:15pm, here we will be able to discuss what is working well and if there is anything further we can do to support. The workshop will be run by Cat Sables our English lead across school.
We have welcomed some new staff to the Bader team. Fiona, Alex and Faith have joined us as Teaching Assistants and are based within the Hub and Lower School. Sam has joined the teaching team and is Bader’s Science teacher. I am sure you will join us in welcoming them.
Conisbrough Castle
On Monday 9th January Class Base 5 – 11 and the Hub visited Conisbrough Castle. Our young people represented Bader brilliantly and despite the cold, wind and rain all had the opportunity to attend a workshop, climb many stairs to access the roof and explored the area with the support of the staff team. The history focus for these pupils is Castles and what a wonderful opportunity to explore for themselves first hand!
Nexus Family Information Event
Please see below information about an information event which has been organised for families whose young people attend one of the Doncaster based schools. The event takes place on 26th January, 10am and will be based at the EcoStadium. To help with preparations please complete the short Microsoft Form so that attendance can be identified. Details of the form can be obtained from the school office, or the copy of this letter placed on ClassDojo.
Secondary Phase Residential
Earlier in the week pupils in Year 7 – Year 11 came home with a letter about a residential trip to Lea Green. Thank you to all that have confirmed their interest. As stated in the letter there are limited places and therefore the link to confirm your child’s interest will close on Friday 20th January. We will then confirm places allocated along with a letter answering all questions which have been asked.
Details of the form can be obtained from the school office, or the copy of this letter placed on ClassDojo.
Dates for your diaries
Please see below activities which are already planned for the coming half term. There will be more dates added as we move through the half term and approach Easter. We will provide more information closer to the time where needed.
Monday 16th January Class Base 1 – 4 Moveable Museum in School for Workshops change of date
Monday 23rd January Whole School – Chinese New Year Celebrations
Thursday 26th January – Nexus Family Information Day 10-2pm at the Eco Stadium new date
Thursday 2nd February – Family Reading and Phonics Workshop 1:15pm new date
Tuesday 7th February Whole School – Safer Internet Day
Wednesday 8th February Sustainable Product Event 1:30pm – Families Invited
Friday 10th February – School closes for half term
Monday 20th February – School closed to pupils for inset day
Tuesday 21st February – School reopens for pupils
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Viki Drew