Family Letter - 7th July 2023

Family letter from Viki Drew, Headteacher, dated 7th July 2023.
Dear Families,
School is very busy and exciting at the moment as we approach the end of the academic year. We are looking forward to events, welcoming families into school and celebrating pupil’s achievements across this academic year. You will be receiving your child’s end of year report, on Monday 10th July, this will also contain important information about your child’s class / tutor group and their teacher / form tutor. Pupils will also be told ahead of them coming home so they are prepared.
During this term we are going to support young people by providing some transition days within school, allowing them to experience the change ahead of September. We do hope that this will successful and support young people, alleviating anxieties as they plan for change in September. It is very hard to believe that there is only two and a half weeks left of this academic year!
We are delighted to welcome Amy Ward back into Bader following her maternity leave, I am sure you will join us in welcoming her back too. Amy will be spending sometime in different classes across the next few weeks and spending time getting to know the pupils within her class in September.
Summer School Opportunities
Many of you may remember last year, we ran some summer school activities through funding which had been secured. We also ran a very successful Easter holiday club for two days, earlier this year. We know that it is quite short notice, however, we have just been informed that the Trust has secured some funding to run four Summer School sessions during the upcoming holiday!
I am sure you can appreciate that this involves quite a bit of organising. With this in mind, we are asking for you to register your child’s interest as soon as possible, so that we can provide you with further information when we have secured the activities. We have set the dates for across the holidays, and they will be running on a Wednesday for four consecutive weeks, starting on 9th August. The clubs will run 10am – 3pm and your child will need dropping to school and collecting on each of these days. Lunch will be provided however, we do understand that some of our pupils prefer to bring their own packed lunch.
Please note, there is no guarantee that you will secure a place on all sessions requested. We also ask that if you request a place and are no longer going to use it that you inform us so the place can be re-allocated to another pupil. Please complete the Microsoft Form found on Dojo, or via the school office, at your earliest convenience.
Pride Festival and Summer Fayre – Sponsorship & Tombola
Just a reminder, all sponsor forms should be returned to the school office by Friday 14th July, ahead of our Pride Festival and Summer Fayre. Thank you to those who have already done so, we have had great support so thank you very much. As we have stated before, please do not worry if you are not able to participate, we do understand the cost of living crisis is impacting on families. We look forward to seeing you there on Thursday 20th July for a wonderful celebration. Further information and details will be sent out in the coming week!
We are still looking for donations for a tombola stand for the event, if you have any donations you are willing to donate to school we would be most grateful, any donations of toiletries, sweets, chocolates or general items would be very welcome and well received to support the fayre and running of the tombola. If these can be sent into school anytime from now until the 14th July we would really appreciate your support.
Staffing Information and Changes
As the end of the year approaches we do have some further staff leaving us for career progression and pastures new. As detailed in the last family letter, we will continue to keep you up to date with these changes so that you are fully aware and prepared.
Shaun Brown, one of the members of our Family and Behaviour Team, will be moving on at the end of the academic year. Shaun has secured a pastoral role as a senior learning mentor at a mainstream primary school in Sheffield. We currently have an advert out to look at recruiting to this role, for a September start. I am sure you will all join me in wishing Shaun all the very best of luck for the future as he begins a new chapter of his journey.
Richard Barley, our Site Manager will be leaving Bader at the end of this academic year to take a new post. We wish Richard the very best of luck in the new chapter of his journey. We currently have an advert out to recruit to this position and will update you when we have further information.
We will continue to keep you posted of any known staffing changes ahead of the new school year. As always if any families have any questions and wish to discuss this further, please contact the school office in the first instance and we will ensure your queries are answered.
Parent Sessions
Please see below information regarding upcoming events from Your Place.
Dates for your diaries
Please see below activities which are already planned for the coming half term and into the final half term. There will be more dates added as we move through the summer term. We will provide more information closer to the time where needed.
Monday 10th July – End of Year Reports Home to Families
Week Commencing 10th July – Parent Consultations (if wanted to discuss reports)
Thursday 13th July – Active Day
Thursday 13th July – Primary age Trust Olympics
Week commencing 17th July – Pride and Diversity Week
Thursday 20th July – Pride Festival and Summer Fayre 1:30pm (parents welcome)
** New Dates Added ** Friday 21st July, Monday 24th July and Tuesday 25th July – Transition in School (next year groupings)
Wednesday 26th July - Whole School Cinema Trip & Pizza Party
Thursday 27th July – School closes for Summer
Monday 4th September – School closed to pupils INSET day
Tuesday 5th September – School reopens for Autumn Term for pupils
Thursday 7th September – Visits (Whole School) Jorvik Centre or Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Wednesday 13th September – Swimming begins for Year 5 & 6
Letters for both of the above Autumn Visits will be sent before the end of the academic year
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Viki Drew